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The APO operates to facilitate osteopaths, physiotherapists, and other recognized allied health professionals, to provide their skills and experience to volunteer with charitable organisations in the Asia Pacific region.

Getting volunteers to these locations is but one aspect of APO's aims. Dealing with disabilities is a complex and lifelong challenge, impacting both the patient and their families. It demands specialized support, guidance, patience, and love. APO's purpose seeks to look beyond individual support and enable the parents and familys to continue providing the care thier children need.

Our Objectives


Enabling allied health professionals to provide support and therapy to disabled or vulnerable people that do not have access to first world care in the Asia/Pacific region.


Specialised training programs for existing  physical therapy and rehabilitation students in underprivileged communities within the Asia Pacific region


Advancing education by enabling allied health professionals to provide their knowledge to the carers/guardians of disabled or vulnerable people that do not have access to first world care in the Asia/Pacific region


To provide grants to allied health professionals to offset their travel and volunteering costs, when working with registered charitable groups in the Asia Pacific region

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